
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Food for Thought - Feb. 20, 2023
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
This month on the regular MCCL monthly update, Alison Opdahl, shares a recap of the inaugural Fosston March for Life. Then she highlights the President's Day, all day, movie event which they sponsored at the Fosston Theater. She expresses her gratefulness for the response in the area to MCCL's focus on bringing the message that LIFE MATTERS, all stages, all ages. She hints at upcoming events which MCCL is planning to facilitate in our area.

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Food for Thought - Life Matters: Ignite Youth Center - Feb. 6, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
On this Life Matters segment, Patty and Sylvia Munter join Tom in the studio to highlight the opportunities at the Ignite Youth Center across from the High School on Highway 2. They have been operating for 5 years providing a gathering place for teens to socialize, work on homework together, grab a snack, wait for a game. They find they are primarily serving the students at the Fosston High School. Sylvia states they are always open to finding more volunteers, especially men since many of their students are boys. The Ignite Center is available on Tuesdays & Thursdays 3-7pm. They are also open to coordinating more events which would attract more students. Food donations are always welcome since the students are always hungry! They touch on the upcoming LIfe Matters movie event at the Fosston Theater on February 20, 2023.
Sponsored by Mike & Kathy Lavoi - Fosston, MN

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Food for Thought - Life Matters: East Polk County DAC
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
On this Life Matters segment, Cooper Wilson from the East Polk County DAC shares about the opportunities provided by the DAC. They are staffed by thirteen members and currently serve thirty clients. They arrange employment, social and leisure opportunities for their adults with disabilities. Some of their in-house projects include making fire starters, collecting cans for recycling and building duck houses. A sense of accomplishment and community integration are benefits clients of the DAC experience. Cooper shares his gratefulness to area businesses who take advantage of the DAC cleaning services, and community members who contribute with monetary or supply donations which keep their operation running smoothly.
Sponsored by Gordy & Cindy Ostenaa - McIntosh, MN

Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Food for Thought - Jan. 24, 2023
Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Join Alison Opdahl and all the Speak LIFE babies, Dinah Opdahl, Rosie Subbert and Charlie Subbert, for this Life Matters segment, in the studio as they talk about their experiences with both of the Baby O Speak LIFE series. Running for 97 weeks, these children provided the voices for the babies in the womb as they chronicled their development from 6 weeks to birth. As you listen, you will hear their personalities and realize Alison captured their nuances in the segments she authored. Tom and Alison discuss the upcoming local March for Life and Alison shares a glimpse of MCCL #45's plans for the upcoming year.
Sponsored by Marial Harbor Body Wellness Center - McIntosh, MN

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Food For Thought - Jan. 16, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
MCCL 45 Member, Todd Lundell, joins Tom in the studio to highlight the opportunities in our local area to Speak LIFE. Regular chapter meetings are on the third Thursday of the month, 7pm at Mt. Carmel Church in McIntosh, MN. He share various rallies and marches occurring in Minnesota during Sanctity of Life month: January. Our most local march is Saturday, Jan. 28, 2023 at 10 am. The march will begin uptown, circle through downtown businesses then gathering at New Journey Church. He shares a moving, personal testimony about his commitment to march for all the babies who have perished, drawing attention to the fact that God is pro-life. Leaving listeners with a plea to find ways to become involved in the effort to Speak LIFE.

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Food for Thought - Jan. 12, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Kathy Lavoi joins Tom in the studio, for a Life Matters segment, to share the background on the sanctity of life month: January. The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members. Overturning Roe vs. Wade is not the end of the battle for protecting unborn babies, it is the beginning. Compelling listeners to "Speak LIFE", she outlines the many resources available for those who may not feel confident sharing their perspective because they don't feel informed enough to speak. "The only way to correct not being informed is to get informed." She concludes by giving an overview of the efforts of MCCL 45 in our local area and outlining opportunities to Speak LIFE in the upcoming months. John 10:10, "I have come that they might have life and have it to the full." That is what sanctity of life is about: full life for all.
Sponsored by Jered's Grocery - McIntosh, MN

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Food For Thought - Jan. 2, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Kathy Kjollhaug shares, a Life Matters segment, about their adoption story. Miracles are messy, Kathy states more than once, pointing out that even as they were praying for their miracle, their eventual daughters were experiencing the trauma of their family falling apart. As their first opportunity to adopt from Costa Rica evaporated in heartbreak, the process underway for others to adopt Esther and Rebekah in India, their future daughters, ground to a halt. The Kjollhaug's were able to slide into that opportunity: their messy miracle. Her heartfelt and grounded account will touch you and encourage you to view the option of adoption in a new way. Is there room in your inn?
Sponsored by Jered's Grocery - McIntosh, MN (Jered was adopted)

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Week 97 - You are Two.
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
You are two. Two weeks old. I know. What are we going to do today? Will you both pipe down? Someone is trying to nap. Brothers! Not me. Momma. We could play a quiet game. We can’t even sit up yet. I can make faces. That’s perfect! You first, Charlie. Hungry. Hey, how did you know? It’s so obvious. Here’s mine. Watchful. Ha, ha—that’s the only face she makes. Here’s mine. What is it, Rosie? She looks happy but what does that twinkle mean? Mischief. You would know. What are you three up to? Uh-oh. Oh look, Momma’s playing the game too! Yeah, it’s her trying not to smile face!

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Week 96 - We are One.
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
We are one. One week old. Shhh. I’m trying to nap. You’re always trying to nap. And you’re always talking. You know you’re talking to tell me I’m talking, right? Shhh. You’re the one who always fusses first to eat. That’s because I’m hungry. Hmm, are you sure it’s not because you like Momma cuddles? All this talk about food makes me hungry. Go ahead, let her know, let the whole house know. Then she can call you her little pumpkin which is how big we are by the way. What are you going to do? Talk to Dinah. Surprise, surprise.

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Week 95 - Shh...
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Sh… we must be very, very quiet. Everyone is sleeping at the same time! This isn’t likely to happen again soon—not for years. Let’s peek. There lay the twins side by side between their parents who survived harrowing hours of uncertainty. Their little “big sister,” is curled up on the other side of Daddy. What’s this? Rosie’s big blue eyes are looking right at us. She’s a noticer that one, and now here’s the inevitable Charlie whimper which means he’s ready for a snack. Surprise, surprise. But they’re all here, breathing and speaking LIFE! Praise Elohim our Creator!