
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Week 94 - Big Sister.
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Friday Dec 23, 2022
I am four. Four years old. ♪♫ I’m a big sister! ♫♪ She’s so cute and tiny, Momma. See how her little rosy fingers curl around my finger? Boy, he eats a lot. Oh, look Daddy, he’s making goofy faces again. He’s so funny! I’m so glad they’re out of your tummy, Momma. Can you help me hold them both? Look, he’s holding her hand again. Just like when they came out of your tummy. Listen, they’re making their puppy noises. I guess they need another nap. Let’s sing. Yeshua, please give our babies peaceful sleep because they are your little sheep…

Friday Dec 23, 2022
Food For Thought - Dec. 19, 2022
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Author of the ongoing series Speak LIFE Baby O 2.0, Alison Opdahl, joins Tom Lano in the studio for a thought provoking synopsis of the agenda of abortion. The writing is on the wall for those who can read it. She may surprise you with her statement that she does not believe abortion kills a child. Why not? What does she believe? Is that even the right word? You'll have to listen to discover her rationale. As a member of MCCL #45, she also hints at events to come in the New Year.

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Food For Thought - Nov. 21, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
MCCL #45 Member Linda Blaser, joins Tom Lano in the studio for our monthly MCCL update. She shares information, shedding light on the details of chemical abortion such as the process, risks and results of such a procedure. Chemical abortions account for 55% of abortions in Minnesota. In 2021, the FDA changed requirements so chemical abortion pills can be mailed to a woman without an in-person, medical consult. There is a reversal period, up to 72 hours, in which an antidote can be taken after the first chemical abortion pill is ingested. The reversal success is 64-67%. Is Planned Parenthood really about women's health? Their annual report bragged they provide 82% of all chemical abortions in the United States, contributing to their financial income of over 1.7 billion dollars... all of this accomplished with our tax dollars.

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Week 93 - We are Thirty-Five.
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
We are thirteen. What? Eighteen weeks old. We’re thirty-five weeks old. Boy, are you mixed up. I’m not a boy. We are ten weeks old. Pops the top! We’re as big as avocados. That was week sixteen. Do you like pineapple? Is it a vegetable? I need a nap. Wait a second, I nap, you talk… there is definitely something wrong with your melon. Get it? That’s how big we are. Hey, sissy! Yoo-hoo! Wake up! Your skin is a funny color. Talk! Sissy, c’mon! Stop kicking! No way! We need to bust out of here.

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Week 92 - Peril.
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
A pregnant woman in peril? Formerly, the reaction was to protect and save lives. But now society would have us believe we must define what is “a life” and even who “is a woman.” Then begins the “rights” debate. Is it not ironic that those who vehemently advocate for “choice” are only able to do so because they have a voice, because they are “alive?” Our twins are in peril. They are silent. Their sister is their voice. I am their voice. Because we cannot imagine a world where the voice of a child was never heard again.

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Week 91 - They are Thirty-Four.
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
I am four. Four years old. Grandma? Why are you here? Why are you waking me when it’s dark? Where are Momma and Daddy? Why are you holding me so tightly? Oh! We’re going to cuddle in the rocking chair? I like that idea, because I’m sleepy. Let me find my blankie. Mm, can we sing Grandpa’s song? Momma sings it to us every night. ♫♪ Yeshua, please give my babies peaceful sleep… ♫♪ Did you know our babies are thirty-four weeks old? They recognize the song too. And Daddy says they’re almost five pounds, about as big as cantaloupes. *Yawn.*

Saturday Nov 19, 2022
Week 90 - I am Four.
Saturday Nov 19, 2022
Saturday Nov 19, 2022
I am four. Four years old! But Momma—they haven’t said, “We are thirty-three. Thirty-three weeks old,” yet. My ear is on your belly—Momma—but they aren’t talking. Tell them to wake up! Remind them how your uterine wall is thinning so it’s easier to notice when it’s light and dark. Because it’s morning, Momma. They should be awake! Tell them how they’re the size of the fruit you will never, ever let me eat again because it makes me hyper! You know; that yummy, golden, juicy ring fruit. It has a long name… mm, mmm—pineapple!

Saturday Nov 19, 2022
Week 88 - We Are Thirty-Two
Saturday Nov 19, 2022
Saturday Nov 19, 2022
We are thirty-two. Thirty-two weeks old. While you’re itching your leg, can you scratch my back? I think it’s my turn to be head down. You know it’s not easy to switch positions anymore. Because we’re squashed! Another “dad” joke? At least it makes sense. What kind of squash are we this week? Who cares? Squash is a vegetable. Bleh! Hey, those are my ribs! Sorry. I’m just trying to… Stop that! Great. Now your toes are in my face. Well, your toes are in my face too. Look, we need to get out of here. You mean escape? Yep. Now you’re talking.

Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Food For Thought - Nov. 7, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
MCCL #45 member, Eileen Hegg, joins Tom in the studio to discuss the very real impact abortion has on relationships, futures and everyone affected by it. Her heartfelt appeal encompasses her desire for her grandchildren, their potential children and all of us to be well informed about the facts of abortion. Facts versus fiction. There is a great need for accurate information to be shared compassionately and boldly. She shares some grim, hard-hitting facts... you only have to "follow the money" to discover the unfolding agenda to de-humanize not only babies, but all of us.

Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Week 89 - Happy Birthday
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
I am three. Three years old but not for long! ♫♪ Hmm, hmm, hmm to you, ♪♫. ♫♪ Hmm, hmm, hmm to you, ♪♫. Momma— you and Daddy haven’t forgotten, right? I know you’ve been busy with appointments to check on our babies but my day is almost here. I sure like these night-time chats with you. Oh look, Momma! There! I can see stars twinkling at me. There are so many! One, two, three, four… oh, alright. I’ll rest my head on your shoulder if you sing to me. Yeshua, please give Dinah peaceful sleep, because she is your little sheep…