
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Week 75 - We are Twenty-Two.
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
We are twenty-two. Twenty-two weeks old. Yeah, yeah—I know. Wait. That means we’re more than halfway. When did that happen? When you were napping. Ah, come on. You nap too. Not as much as you. Would you stop that? It’s about time our fingernails grew all the way in. Fine. You scratch. I’ll work on meconium. You and your crazy words. What is that? It’s what we will use to fill our first diapers. Oh, that sounds like fun! You make some for Momma and I’ll take Papaya. Hey, that was a good one! Thanks! Do you think they got it?

Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Food for Thought July 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
New MCCL #45 Members, Tom and Carrie Bahr, share about their convictions regarding the value of life. Tom speaks about their first experience viewing the movie, "Unplanned." The message and content in the film changed his life. They now purchase copies of the movie and distribute them wherever they can to spread the truth about the impact abortions can have on so many lives.

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Week 74 - We are Twenty-One.
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
We are twenty-one. Twenty-one weeks old. I wish you would stop craving salad. I don’t like salad. Vegetables are good for you. So are blueberries. Fruit is good for you too, you know. You always want something sweet. Doesn’t everyone? Nope, not me. Tell me about it. How about a compromise? What do you have in mind? A sweet potato. Wait! Are you trying to trick me into getting Momma to crave a vegetable? If we want to keep growing faster than our placentas, we need our vegetables. And let me guess, we’re as big as sweet potatoes, right? Yep!

Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Week 73 - Twins!
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
I am three. Three years old. I’m a big sister! But I’m so surprised! But I think you and Daddy were more surprised. His mouth made a big round “O” and then you gasped when you saw the screen. I love my picture with two babies! Are they really in your tummy, Momma? They must like hanging out together. I wonder what they do all day? Do you think they know I am out here waiting for them? I wonder if they know how to knock down block towers. Maybe I could teach them that. I’ll go practice.

Friday Jul 15, 2022
Week 72 - We are Twenty.
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
We are twenty. Twenty weeks old. Yuck! What is this stuff? What stuff? This icky, sticky, white stuff. It’s vernix, silly. What? Another weird name. Agh! It’s everywhere! Just be glad you have it. You’re going to need it. What do you mean I’m going to need it? It makes us slippery. Why would we want to be slippery? So we can slide out when it’s time to be born. Wait a minute, will it make me slide faster? What else is slippery? I know what you’re trying to get me to say. What? A banana peel because that’s how big we are. You got it!

Friday Jul 15, 2022
Week 71 - We are Nineteen.
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
We are nineteen. Nineteen weeks old. There you go again. You were napping. Again. Yeah, so? I was bored. I wanted something to do. So you decided to talk? Orange you glad I did? Now you can tell them how big we are. That’s a “Dad” joke for sure. Wait, have you been listening to our family when I’m asleep? What else is there to do? You could practice a few jabs and kicks, like me. Stop! That’s your side. This is mine. Stay on your side. Boy, I have to find a way to get out of here first so I only have one big sister.

Friday Jul 15, 2022
Week 70 - We are Eighteen.
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
We are eighteen. Eighteen weeks old. Are you going to tell her? Tell who, what? What do you mean, who? Our big sister of course. All you had to do was say so. Tell her what? That she needs to count to five. Well, we better share the other secret too. Yeah. It’s obvious now. What is? That I’m a boy and you’re not. I think most of them have figured that out by now. Don’t roll your eyes just because you can. How big are we? Achoo! Ha-ha. A hint, right? Let me guess, a bell pepper. Ring-a ling!

Monday Jun 27, 2022
Week 69 - Patience.
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
I am three. Three years old. One. Two. Three. Can you count to three? I can count to three. You, you and me. Now count to four. You, you, me and baby makes four! Yay! I’m going to be a big sister! Um, wait a minute. Where is baby going to sleep? What is baby going to eat? Am I going to have to share my toys? How long is this going to take? Uh-oh. I see that look on your face. The one that says I’m going to have to learn patience. One-two-three-four. Can you count to four?

Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Week 68 - We are Seventeen.
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
We are twenty-four. Twenty-four weeks old. Why are you doing that? Doing what? Making faces at me. How do you know I’m making faces? We won’t open our eyes for another three weeks. Wait, you’re probably saying that because you’re making faces at me! Right? Wait! Shh! Did you ear that? Did I “ear” that? Yeah, did you “ear” that? Is that your idea of a joke? Maybe. Brothers are so corny. Now that’s a “Dad” joke! Do you think they got it? That we’re as big as ears of corn? I hope so.

Monday Jun 13, 2022
Week 67 - We are Sixteen.
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
We are sixteen. Sixteen weeks old! Hey! I found my hand! What? It’s attached to you! I mean I found my hand with my other hand. That’s probably because we’ve been developing more muscles and some of them can move independently now. How do you learn this stuff? I pay attention. You’re saying I don’t pay attention? You do spend all of your time napping, eating or flexing your muscles. Speaking of flexing muscles, let’s stretch. It feels good not to be curled up all the time. Hey, I almost forgot—how big are we this week? As big as avocados.